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Why We Do What We Do

Our Mission

We add value to leaders who multiply value to others resulting in growth and transformation. 

The Maxwell Leadership Foundation marries influence and resources with desire and engagement. Top-tier leaders in the key streams of influence work together to create transformation. The Maxwell Transformation Process (MTP) becomes the conduit for leaders to see positive change in their countries and communities. 

Undergirding the MTP are relationship-based Transformation Tables used to share leadership values, provide opportunities for self-reflection, and drive commitment to measurable action steps. Steps may be small, but taken weekly, the consistency compounds. Results snowball.

As individuals are transformed,
the families and companies where they live and work are changed,
the culture of homes and organizations improve, and
the transformation results are real and measurable. 

Imagine the potential as key streams of influence are collectively impacted and we see lasting, positive change at a personal, community and national level.

The Maxwell Leadership Foundation grows leaders to transform their worldand we are doing it one community, school and country at a time! 

Connect with us and join the Movement for Transformation!

As part of the greater John Maxwell Enterprise, The Maxwell Leadership Foundation is committed to the following:


Adding Value to Leaders Who Multiply Value to Others 


Growing Leaders who Transform the World Around Them 


People – We are People of Value Who Add Value to People
Growth – Growth Increases Capacity
Passion – Loving What We Do Makes Us Contagious
Leadership – Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership
Performance – Exceeding Expectations Sets Us Apart from Others
Transformation – A Changed Leader Changes Lives