As a leader, you know: When people are divided, problems stay unsolved.
But when people are willing to work together — lending their influence and resources to make the community better and brighter — transformation is possible!
This is the heart of our Community Transformation Initiative— a proven program utilizing John Maxwell Leadership Foundation (JMLF) values-based leadership training and a weekly roundtable format we call Transformation Tables to tackle a common agenda identified by the community.
Weekly meetings at the Transformation Tables are central — this tool is used to:
As individual lives are changed, the organizations where those individuals work are transformed … the culture of the organizations improve … and they go on to influence other people, other communities, one-by-one — ultimately sparking nationwide transformation!
How? By implementing our step-by-step Maxwell Transformation Process:
We’ve already seen the impact our Community Transformation Initiative has made in bringing people together for transformation on an international level — and this past fall, we launched pilot programs here in the U.S. to great effect!
Right now, we have an exciting — and tremendously timely — opportunity to bring Community Transformation Initiatives into even more American communities in 2021.
The structure is in place. All we need is the funding to launch the programs — a total of $350,000 for the entire year.
Your support today will help make it possible — offering training in leadership and good values at a time when both are needed more than ever and transforming the nation one person at a time to make a big impact.
Please give as generously as possible to launch Community Transformation Initiative programs across the U.S. today. Thank you!