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Bring it Home this Christmas for
America’s Next Generation

You’re pouring into the next generation of students around the world — showing young people effective skills and best practices that will transform not only their lives but help them transform lives around them.

And now, it’s time to Bring it Home — to launch a new chapter of our proven-powerful iLead curriculum right here in the United States!

  • South Carolina has approved iLead in all public schools — and other states are starting to explore the opportunity, too.
  • In pilot programs across the USA, we’re already seeing students being transformed by iLead!

Our nation is ready for a new legacy of leaders. You can be the one who helps train these leaders for a brighter tomorrow! 

It’s hard to imagine a better Christmas gift that this!

And, amazingly, it take just $3.17 to reach one student with this transformative teaching.

How many young people — across the United States and around the world — can you personally influence to positively impact the world around them in 2023?

[ ] $1,000 to reach 318 students
[ ] $500 to reach 159 students
[ ] $2,500 to reach 796 students
[ ] $5,000 to reach 1,592 students
[ ] $10,000 to reach 3,184 students
[ ] $_____ to reach as many students as possible